
Region:       District:

The Rite of ‘Carrying a Namiotka’ of Papšyčy Village, Hlybokaje District, Viciebsk Region

Cipher (in the State list): 23Б0000086
Date inclusion: 02.08.2016
№ Protocol Rada: Пратакол пасяджэння Беларускай рэспубліканскай навукова-метадычнай рады па пытаннях гісторыка-культурнай спадчыны ад 20.01.2014 № 210. Пастанова Савета Мiнiстраў Рэспублiкi Беларусь ад 02.08.2016 № 607
Cipher (in inventory): НКС-140729/01

Identifying the elements of the ICH


The Rite of ‘Carrying a Namiotka’ of Papšyčy Village, Hlybokaje District, Viciebsk Region

The second item name ICH (adopted in a particular community, the local version):

Corresponding to (s) Community (s), group (s) or individual (s) described:


Vitebsk region » Glybokaye district » Papšyčy Village;  

Short description:

Every year on Pentecost, when people in the Village of Papšyčy celebrate Zialionyja Sviontki, the day of appearance of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles, they get together to carry a namiotka. This Rite has been performed continuously since its beginning. The Rite starts with the participants’ singing a special song ‘Krуlu nieba wysokiego’ (The King of the High Sky), after which a procession is formed and people unfold a namiotka, a cloth 5—6 meters long, which is carried by the youngest people of the community, preferably children. Local people gather at the village cross, where the Rite begins, and put their sacrifices onto the namiotka. Today, they sacrifice money. Then people carry the namiotka over young children and their parents, which is thought to improve their health and well-being. Then the singing procession marches through the village towards the chapel at the cemetery. It is a long distance to go, and on the way to the destination the procession is joined by other Papšyčy residents. Once the namiotka is delivered to the cemetery, it is consecrated and the Holy Mass starts, during which people keep the namiotka spread. Everyone, who has come to the cemetery and walked in the procession, puts his or her sacrifice on it. After the Mass, the namiotka is donated to the Catholic Church in the Village of Udzela. The villagers believe in the power of the Rite, ‘Well, nothing has ever happened in the village, nothing special. No suicides, nothing at all.’

Identification and description


Traditional Ceremonies » Rituals


Language or dialect used:

Material objects that are associated with the practice of the element:

Other intangible elements associated with the practice of the element:

Transmission model element in the community:


Included in the list of UNESCO




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